How The Mighty Have Fallen!

My best-friend is a gorgeous girl. Always with the perfectly coiffed hairdo, the latest style. She’s always so put together. She always makes me feel so frumpy because my choices are much more efficient (i.e. I get dressed quickly and do my hair quickly)

Now, she had a baby a little less than a year ago and, she’s now a full time mom and career woman. She has a lot more on her plate now. Yesterday, she wanted to put moisturizing cream on her face and took the wrong pot by mistake. She ended up with a face full of diaper rash cream!!!!!

One does wonder how the skin was after the cream was removed? Were the pores nicely closed? But one would not dare ask.

ps: permission was granted for me to share this story. I am maintaining the friend’s anonymity in the spirit of true friendship.

Zincofax Cream